Saturday 21 September 2024

Congress member rejects US interference in ICC probe of Israel

U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib refutes Washington's interference in the ICC's decision to investigate war crimes in occupied Palestine.

Michigan's U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib denounced through her Twitter account on Thursday the U.S. Government's attempts to interfere and derail a probe by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into Israeli war crimes committed against the Palestinian people, reported by Telesur.


"No one is above the law. The ICC has the authority and duty to independently and impartially investigate and bring justice to the victims of human rights violations and war crimes in Palestine and Israel. The United States must not interfere with its ability to do so," the Democratic lawmaker wrote on Twitter.


The chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, announced on Wednesday the opening of an investigation into Israeli war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories, after she ruled on February 5 that she has jurisdiction to investigate atrocities committed by the Israeli army in the occupied West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Al-Quds (Jerusalem), lands that Israel has occupied for more than 50 years.


However, the White House censured the decision of this body. The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, stated on Twitter the same day that the U.S. was firmly opposed to the investigation and that it will continue to maintain its "firm commitment to Israel and its security." 


This, while Bensouda made clear last June that the investigation into war crimes committed by the Tel Aviv regime against the Palestinians, faces no obstacles, thus rejecting claims and warnings by Israel and its U.S. ally to halt the process.

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